Tour Calendar Hebridean Views Tour Calendar Corncrake Tour Calendar otter Tour Calendar Pomarine Skuas Tour Calendar machair in bloom Tour Calendar Red-necked Phalarope Tour Calendar Harbour Seals Tour Calendar White-tailed Eagle Tour Calendar Otter swimming Tour Calendar Scarista Tour Calendar Grey Phalarope Tour Calendar South Uist

Bird Tour Calendar for Outer Hebrides and Abroad


Please note that if you're looking at booking an all-inclusive trip in May or June you need to book by January at the latest to be assured of accommodation.


For recent reviews of birding trips please visit the trip advisor site.

Day Tours:

Available throughout the year at £70 per person. A minimum of 2 people are required for a trip or the cost for a lone individual is £140.

If you'd like to give a day trip as a present to someone then gift certificates are available. These are for two people and can be taken in North Uist, Benbecula and South Uist.


All inclusive tours by season: 2024 / 2025



Autumn in the Outer Hebrides: 14th - 20th September 2024 (3 spaces)


Autumn in the Outer Hebrides: 12th - 18th October 2024 (4 Spaces)



Northern India (Birds and Tigers): 29th January - 15th February 2025 (4 spaces left - just 2 required for trip to run)



Cyprus: 26th March - 2nd April 2025 (5 Spaces)


Extremadura: 26th April - 3rd May 2025 (Full)


Corncrake and Skuas: 12th - 18th May 2025 (5 spaces)


Corncrake and Phalaropes: 26th - 31st May 2025 (spaces)



Midsummer / Minglay: 21st - 26th June 2025 (6 spaces)


Machair in Bloom: 21st - 26th July 2025 (spaces)



Autumn in the Outer Hebrides: 22nd - 28th September 2025 (spaces)


Autumn in the Outer Hebrides: 11th - 17th October 2025 (spaces)



Extremadura: 18th - 25th April 2026 (spaces)


Terms and Conditions